Phytesia SA is a biotechnology company, a spin-off of the University of Liege, specialising in the production and marketing of rare and unusual plants.
For nearly 10 years, Phytesia has been one of the pioneers of hardy orchid production. Over the years, the company has developed a completely original range of tempered orchids that are capable of withstanding European or North-American climates and are consequently easy to grow in our gardens.
The company has a high-performance in vitro micro-propagation laboratory with an annual capacity of about a million plants. Phytesia also has a greenhouse infrastructure of almost 4,000m2 for the acclimatisation of the young plants coming from the laboratory and for the cultivation of the various varieties up until their flowering stage.
Phytesia offers today about fifty selected varieties, thus proposing a wide range of colour, size and flowering period.
In order to meet our customer demand as effectively as possible, we propose hardy varieties that are capable of resisting very vigorous winters (- 20°C to -30°C) (Cypripedium, Dactylorhiza, Epipactis,…) and semi-rustic varieties that can withstand a light frost (- 10°C) (Calanthe, Pleione,…), which are particularly suited for cultivation in pots or in the Mediterranean climate regions.
This diversity that Phytesia offers is also to be found in its marketing strategy. In order to give you the best possible advice and to facilitate your choice, we offer you three product categories: Easy Garden, Trendy Garden and Collection Garden.
Phytesia is your preferential partner for the supply of original varieties. Phytesia produces rare and unusual plants and provides diversity…